Saturday, September 14
9th Annual Duck Derby Race & Student Horse Show from 11 am to 4 pm at Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center. Come on out and enjoy a day with our students and volunteers. Duck race, student horse show, silent auction, raffles, good food - a great farm experience!
The duck race starts at noon with the Student Horse Show to follow.
If you can't make it to the event, you can bid on the silent auction items on our Facebook page a week prior to the event.
On race day, each ticket sold will have a plastic duck with those ticket numbers in the waiting pond. Once the race starts, the ducks will be turned loose to race to the finish line. This year we will have 2 heats (or races): one for Youth prizes and one for Adult prizes. The first 5 ducks and the very last, or "lame" duck win prizes. You do need to be present to win.
Tickets are $5 for a single duck or $20 for a "flight" of 5 ducks. You can purchase tickets from our volunteers or student families or come to BFTRC. You may also purchase ducks on Derby Day! Be sure to stay for the Student Horse Show - it is sure to be alot of fun!!
Sponsorship opportunities for this event and item donations are needed!
Please contact us at
740-995-9395 or
for more information.
We wish to say
To These Sponsors
for Duck Derby 2023
Beyond Wealth Advisers Ameriprise
Brick Insurance Group
APG Architects
MK Trucking
Erin Wilson Photography
Zemba Brothers
Park National Bank
Goss Supply
The Community Bank
Medical Associates of Cambridge
Lakes Australian Shepherds
Reisbeck's Groceries
Breaking Free Board, Volunteers & Students