Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Therapeutic Equine Riding Center located in southeastern Ohio. Our mission is: Empowering individuals with diverse challenges through unique equine-assisted therapeutic experiences.
Breaking Free TRC has been in operation since 2008 and A Premier Accredited Center with PATH International since 2013. We offer several programs in a safe supportive environment. As a non-profit organization, and on Ohio Charity, Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center exists through the efforts of volunteers, donations, fundraisers, and sponsors.
As Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center is a non-profit we rely on donations from our generous partners.
Our Founding History at Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center
Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center began as a calling by God for Linda Lake in 2007, she began to follow what the Lord was laying out. Mrs. Lake began to have a deep desire to serve children with disabilities in a unique and lasting way. Using the family farm and a few of her own horses as the starting point, she was inspired to begin a non-profit (501c3) organization and begin the relationship with PATH International that would serve the larger community.
While working full time in the public schools, Linda began to share her vision for the organization, building a strong base of volunteers and community supporters. Two years later, the Board of Trustees was created, and several dedicated volunteers recruited along with her husband. Breaking Free was granted 501(c)3 status on January 24, 2008. In just a few short years, the Center has grown exponentially. The original base of five volunteers has grown to over 60 annually.
From its inception, Breaking Free has looked to NARHA now PATH International (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International), and in following their strict standards received their Premier Accredited Center certification in 2013. Breaking Free currently offers a few programs & activities for Individuals with disabilities in Muskingum–Guernsey and surrounding counties: Our formal therapeutic riding program for individuals with special needs, ABR lessons horsemanship 101, EFL Family Wellness, TR & ABR Day camps, Veteran retreats, & many County agency programs,Veteran's Horses for Heroes.