Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Therapeutic Equine Riding Center located in southeastern Ohio. Our mission is: Empowering individuals with diverse challenges through unique equine-assisted therapeutic experiences.
Breaking Free TRC has been in operation since 2008 and A Premier Accredited Center with PATH International since 2013. We offer several programs in a safe supportive environment. As a non-profit organization, and on Ohio Charity, Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center exists through the efforts of volunteers, donations, fundraisers, and sponsors.
As Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center is a non-profit we rely on donations from our generous partners.
Big Red came to Breaking Free in 2022 and is a big, friendly Quarter horse.
He has a little more woo then go at times but he's coming along well. He has became a favorite of a few of our older students.